Alan Turing Storia di un Enigma – Andrew Hodges

Alan Turing The Enigma - Author: Andrew Hodges Image Book

Autore: Andrew Hodges

Alan Turing is considered one of the founding fathers of computer science and a pioneer of artificial intelligence. A British mathematician and cryptographer, Turing is famous for his work during the Second World War, when he helped crack the Enigma code.

In the book Alan Turing: Story of an Enigma, the author recounts his life and his visionary genius, exploring not only his scientific contributions but also the personal aspects of his often troubled existence.

His revolutionary vision on the concept of “thinking machines” and his famous “Turing Machine” are the basis of modern computer science.

The book also offers a reflection on his tragic end, marked by discrimination for his homosexuality, an aspect that highlights how rigid and unfair society at the time was towards people outside the traditional canons.

It is a text that goes beyond science by revealing the humanity and complexity of Turing and his importance both for technological progress and for human rights.

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