Quien Soy

N.Furlan, Data Engineer, Specialist with 15+ Years in Analytics, AI, and Training Instructor | Expert in Data Science, ETL, and Visualisation.

Soy ingeniero especializado en análisis avanzado de datos e inteligencia de negocios. Como apasionado por los datos y su potencial transformador, me impulsa a desarrollar soluciones innovadoras que ayudan a las empresas a tomar decisiones informadas.

Mi competencia en inteligencia artificial alimenta mi profundo interés en esta disciplina, manteniéndome siempre a la vanguardia de las últimas innovaciones tecnológicas

He adquirido experiencia en la docencia y formación a profesionales en el campo del análisis de datos y la inteligencia de negocios.

A lo largo de los años, he tenido el privilegio de colaborar con empresas de alto perfil en el Reino Unido como ARM, Cambridge University Press, Mundipharma y otras, afinando mis competencias en la gestión, interpretación y automatización de conjuntos de datos complejos.

Soy altamente competente en el uso de Tableau, con el que creo dashboards dinámicos y detallados, capaces de proporcionar información clara y accionable.

Además, mi dominio de Python y Alteryx me permite desarrollar soluciones de datos robustas y realizar análisis avanzados.

Esta experiencia me ha dotado de los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para enfrentar desafíos complejos y ofrecer insights que impulsan el crecimiento empresarial.

M.Eng., B.Eng. (Hons) – Academic Qualification of Master’s Degree, Management Engineer. Section: Industrial Engineering Department – Faculty of Management Engineering at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy.

Thesis: Information Security and Secure Operating Systems, SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux).
SELinux, developed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA).
Certificates awarded to Natascia Furlan.
Alteryx Designer Advanced Certification, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Alteryx.

Alteryx Designer Core Certification, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Alteryx.

Tableau Desktop III: Advanced Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Tableau Software.

Tableau Desktop II: Intermediate Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Tableau Software.

Tableau Desktop I: Fundamentals Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Tableau Software.

Tableau 2024 A-Z: Hands-On Tableau Training for Data Science Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by SuperDataScience.

Executive Briefing: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by SuperDataScience.

Communicating Data Effectively in Data Presentation Skills Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Kubicle.

Applying Visual Data Skills in Visualisation Fundamentals Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Kubicle.

Introduction to Power Apps in Power Apps Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Kubicle.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in AI Fundamentals Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Kubicle.

Process Data from Dirty to Clean Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Google.

Prepare Data for Exploration Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Google.

Foundation of Project Management Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Google.

Foundation: Data, Data, Everywhere Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by Google.

What is Data Science Certificate, awarded to Natascia Furlan by IBM.

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